Comfy HDL Design Setup

This is for those who want to get into coding in an HDL but don't know where to start, as I was a few months ago.

How to code - simulate - visualize?


First step is to write your design.

Simple example:

module blink ( input clk, output led ); assign led = clk; endmodule // blink

Then you write your testbench¹ to provide input to your DUT/UUT².

Simple example:

module blink_tb; reg clk; wire led; blink dut ( .clk(clk), .led(led) ); initial clk = 0; always #5 clk <= ~clk; initial begin $display("Running testbench..."); $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(0); #30_000_000; $display("Done: made file dump.vcd"); $finish; end endmodule // blink_tb


If we keep the same design and testbench as above you can use a command such as this one to compile your tb: verilator --trace --binary --build-jobs 0 -Wall -Wno-lint -timing -o cool

After that, go into the obj_dir and the run the executable.

If you added a dumpfile in your code it should now be in the same directory.


electrical waves


  1. The function of a testbench is to apply stimulus (inputs) to the DUT/UUT, and report the outputs in a readable and user-friendly format.

  2. Device Under Test | Unit Under Test.