Day 2 of making a UART š“‡² I made a PISO shift register

Like yesterday, the first place I went to was wikipedia to find the following diagram:

PISO shift register

As you can see itā€™s very similar to the SIPO shift register I made yesterday but the main difference is that here weā€™re loading the data straight away into each flip flop and only then does the shifting happen.

D Flip-flop

I tried to reuse the same module but since we needed the input to be loaded straight away from a data block it became quite awkward trying to make it work.
So I reformatted a lot of it and didnā€™t even use an instance of that specific module, I simply made an internal one with this:

reg [WIDTH-1:0] shift_reg;

So instead of treating each flip flop as an individual register, I just made a vector and each item in there serves as a flip flop. Now to load the data I used a counter like this:

if (shift_counter == 0) begin
    shift_reg <= data;

As you can see I only load a new data block when the counter is at 0, I tried to use the state of the shift register itself as a condition but I had some trouble making it work. (I blame my lack of knowledge on how to test properly)
I also found out that there is a shift operator in verilog :D which made this way simpler than I thought it would be. I probably should change the SIPO shift register to follow this format as well. Weā€™ll see if I stop being lazy.

Shifting data

So hereā€™s how I implemented the main part of this register, the shifting!

q <= shift_reg[0];
shift_reg <= shift_reg >> 1;

It can really be that simple when you know all the features of a language and stop learning exclusively from trial and error!
What these two lines are doing is simply

  • make q the LSB of our shift register i.e. the item positioned at index 0.
  • shift the register to the right by one bit.

So as you can see it, since the bit at index 0 changes on every rising edge of the clock because weā€™re shifting it out, we always get the previous one in line until the register is totally empty. Thatā€™s when we reset and bring everything back to zero. (Except the clk obviously)

if (reset) begin
    shift_reg <= 0;
    // hold_reg <= 0;
    shift_counter <= 0;
    q <= 1'b0;

As you can see in the previous codeblock I have a hold register in the works, I plan on using it to stop the shifting and keep the same value in the register. Or eventually use it as a ā€œspareā€ register that can hold data while the main one works on another block.
I think thatā€™s all for this one, Iā€™ll leave you with the full module in verilog:

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module pisoUnit #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (
    input clk,
    input [WIDTH-1:0] data,
    input reset,
    output reg q

    reg [WIDTH-1:0] shift_reg;
    // reg [WIDTH-1:0] hold_reg;
    reg [3:0] shift_counter;

    always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
        if (reset) begin
            shift_reg <= 0;
            // hold_reg <= 0;
            shift_counter <= 0;
            q <= 1'b0;
        end else begin
            shift_counter <= shift_counter + 1;
            if (shift_counter == 0) begin
                shift_reg <= data;
            end else begin
                q <= shift_reg[0];
                shift_reg <= shift_reg >> 1;


If youā€™re someone with more experience and/or know how to improve some of the things Iā€™ve done, or if you simply have questions on why I took certain decisions in this block of code, feel free to reach out to me via twitter: @pindjouf. Donā€™t forget that you can always follow the progress of this project on my GitHub repo.