MainDump #1
I keep a
file on all my devices, and I sync it with git. That’s the main idea behind kof (currently in the pits of side project hell). As a way to maintain anti-fragility over that commit history I’ve decided that I’m gonna dump the file’s state on this web page once in a while to have another copy of it, because why not.
Here it is:
Stuff to keep in mind
First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman.
Cure to perfectionism -> video
Side project ideas
calendar ai type shit
- mfs prompt for a schedul
- get a .ics with that schedule
find bars, venues, third places that play the music u listen to on spotify (live music or not it doesn’t matter)
I can’t figure out og:image so I want to make a website to fix it.
- user inputs url of their website
- bot goes on url, screenshots
- resize to right format for twitter and open graph while preserving quality
- upload screenshots to
- spit out
<meta property="og:image" content="">
and<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
uart — current task(s)
- uart top_module
cryptoooor — current task(s)
- config -> hash, salt, key
- funcs for converting hex to Vec
and vice-versa -> key interops
kof — current task(s)
- make syncing great
- hide dotfiles (.git) in fuzzy finder -> in find()
- trim empty bottom lines. (fix journal files formatting) -> in create_entry() -> check cw line counter, do the same but check line content if empty check if previous empty. if condition is true trim that shit.
A mediocre product with an audience has more impact than a cure to cancer without any.
The yap is a force multiplier.
There are no right or wrong ways to do things, only ways to do them and ways not to.
The bigger your house, the less you see it.