-> Day 1 of making an ARM assembler 🛠️ I'm learning assembly

-> Linkvortex write-up: My first pwned machine & an introduction to symlink chaining!

-> Mario sees nothing

-> A few notes on the WireGuard Whitepaper

-> Day 5 of making a UART 𓇲 why I made a UART!


-> Understanding DNS: A Comprehensive Technical Overview

-> Information gathering/Reconnaissance (passive)

-> OSCP Log #1

-> Day 4 of making a UART 𓇲 I made a transmitter

-> Attention & Peace

-> Finally going east

-> Day 3 of making a UART 𓇲 I made a baud rate generator

-> I just need to lock in

-> MainDump #1

-> Publicly passionate

-> Runnin' With the Devil

-> Day 2 of making a UART 𓇲 I made a PISO shift register

-> Day 1 of making a UART 𓇲 I made a SIPO shift register

-> Media Pirate Stack

-> Svelte first impressions

-> KayFabe: The art of selling your job skills, a guide for zoomers.

-> 10 Days For Kof

-> Comfy HDL Design Setup

-> Copycat

-> Where X=verilog

-> Belgian SFG Training Program


-> T-shaped day

-> Achievements

-> Hello, world!


-> Chord Functionalities